Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Trains, Planes and Automobiles

I have to catch up on three days worth and my apologies. Its has just been so late when I go to bed and was too tired to try and make an understandable post. But suffice to say that I can sum up the last three days as glorious.

Monday: I slept in, got up and got ready for the day, packed a lunch and when Marjorie came home we took a bus to Westerham (pronounced Westrum) where we met up with Brian and Delia to go to Chartwell which is the name of the Winston Spencer Churchill estate. The grounds were so beautiful and it was such an amazingly relaxing day with some amazing people and wonderful grounds. I decided that I want to build a house almost the exact replica of the Churchill house. Then we went home after a cup of tea and a scone and had super and visited as Peter brought over Marjorie's desktop. I know what you are thinking but it wasn't a computer it was an actual desk top. It was too long so she was having it trimmed. I visited with Peter who was very interesting. At around midnight I face timed with my baby sister. I finally had to go to bed.

Tuesday: I got up early and had breakfast with Marjorie (who never eats breakfast but since I was leaving she made an exception). Then I finished packing up and Marjorie walked me to the bus stop, and road with me to the train station. There she bid me adieu and prayed with me. I road the train to Victoria Square and arrived with an hour to spare before my bus left to take me to Stansted Airport. Oh, did I mention I'm on my way to Slovenia today? Yeah, it kind of happened fast, last week in fact. On my facebook page I had mentioned I was in Europe and my friend Janja said I should come visit. I thought and prayed about it for like a day and felt like I should go so we picked a time and booked a flight. I had to walk up and down to find where my bus was leaving from but found it in time and had a few minutes to spare. Upon arrival at the airport I queued in a long line to check my luggage. When I reached the counter I was told I was in the wrong line. I had to queue again in another line and finally got to check my luggage. It came in at 18.2 kg (which excited me because I had to lighten it since Ryanair only allows 20 kg for a piece of luggage). I had plenty of time and they didn't announce the gate until 20 minutes before the gate was supposed to close and it was a 15 minute walk to the gate. Suffice to say we were boarding well after the gate was supposed to close. The flight was uneventful and we landed in Trieste, Italy ontime. I went through customs and got a stamp in my passport. Janja was waiting for me and we drove back to her house which was 1.5 hours away. It was a beautiful drive. I met Greggor, Janja's boyfriend and we chatted, had a Nutella sandwich and stayed up too late talking and looking at google maps. I went to bed.

Wednesday: I couldn't get out of bed until noon. But then I did get up, took a shower, had breakfast and spent some time in prayer. I know I'm here for a reason. I'm just waiting to hear what the reason is and what I'm supposed to do. Janja came home around 1500 and then we went out for lunch and toured the cemetery which had building designed by a famous architect. It was beautiful and I took pictures. I think there might be something wrong with the blog site because I still can't upload photos. I'm disappointed that you all can't see them. Then we walked around the city center of Ljubljana. It was such a nice afternoon. I had beautiful sights, nice shops, amazing company and I learned some things. When we came home I met Greggor's family (they live down stairs). His parents don't speak a lot of English but Greggor and Janja translated and I like them a lot.

Now its past midnight by almost 30 minutes and I was hoping to be in bed before midnight because it's just going to get faster and furious as my week here goes on and I was told that I would be taken ballroom dancing one night so I best conserve and get as much sleep as I can.

FYI: In most parts of Europe, unless you are eating out, most beverages are consumed at room temperature.


  1. Can't wait to hear about the ballroom dancing! :-D

    Nutella sandwiches sound overpowering.

  2. It's actually going to be salsa, swing and ballroom dancing & we'll have a chance to practice some salsa today ;)

  3. Nutella overpowering? NEVAH! lol
    Janja you do know I can't dance any of those right?
