Thursday, June 13, 2013

Da Vinci Day

Today Gregor, his dad and myself went to see the Da Vinci exhibit in Ljubljana. It was an exhibit containing three of his actual manuscripts and replicas of his inventions. It was neat but halfway through both Gregor and myself were disappointed that we couldn't touch anything to see how it moved. Then, near the end they had about 8 inventions that we could touch so we, of course, moved every single one, at least once. Then they went back to the ones we couldn't touch (insert sad face here). It concluded with an entire hall devoted to the painting of Mona Lisa. They showed images of what the paintings original colours would have looked like and then had a whole wall to point out about 30 things about the painting like 1) she appears to be holding a blanket on her lap with her left hand. 2) notice the third crease in her right sleeve (I didn't think it looked any different or more special than the second crease, but hey I'm not a sleeve crease expert). 3) there is an arm rest under her left arm and the fingers on her right hand are ever so slightly curved in that direction....on and on it went. It's a good painting for sure but I didn't think it was worth all that fuss, but then again I'm not Italian.
I think what I loved the most was the drawings Leonardo did of the human body. He had to dissect cadavers in private because it wasn't an accepted practice back then. His sketches back then were fantastic and broke the ground for people to make advances in anatomy and medicine. I was thinking today, "what practices might I do today that would break ground for advances in the future?" After all dissecting cadavers back then was absolutely considered the devils work and today it's part of what makes medicine so advanced and saves lives. I couldn't think of anything I thought would be breaking rule but might advance our civilization, but if I do in the future I just might consider doing it. Who knows where it might lead.

An actual Da Vinci manuscript.

This afternoon was lovely as I spent it with Janja and we went shopping and for lunch and then a long walk in the fields. They were making hay today and it smelled wonderful. We had some deep conversation about faith and life and love and happiness. I'm so blessed to be here.

Then we had an amazing supper of chicken stirfry. Gregor made me Turkish kava (coffee) and after supper we had tea and Piskotki (cookies pronounced pish-coat-key) and visited late into the night.

I best be getting some sleep because the weekend is just ramping up.

FYI: There are five different words in Slovenian for cookie and they have a word for a small cookie, two small cookies, two cookies....and after that I was lost.

1 comment:

  1. Tired or not I'm enjoying your blogs!....Thank you for the up-dates...veeery interesting and happy that you are having such a good time.
