Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's A Beautiful Day

Today was absolutely perfect. But in order appreciate that last statement you need to understand that in my head perfect doesn't mean without flaw.
 I slept in again, which is so nice. After spending a winter getting up at 0400 hours and some days not getting to bed until 2200 to start it all again at 04000, it is such a blessing to be able to stay in bed past sunrise. Then I got up and took a shower. Picked up the kitchen and living room from the previous evening's revelries and headed to town. It was a short peaceful walk to Ilminster's "high street," also known as the "main street" where I come from. I saw some very cute shops and wished I could have had 200 pounds to spend because there were some nice items in the town. I also saw the old church in town. I think I spent about 20 minutes just drinking the in atmosphere at the church. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Even though there was a grave yard surrounding the church it wasn't eerie at all. It was pleasant and picturesque.

The Minster

Roses in the cemetery

While walking around town I stopped into a shop and bought some flowers for Abigail.
I love this wall of clear windows in the back of The Minster.

This is the front of The Minster where there are some really old graves. In my bliss of enjoying the day I neglected to stop and look at the dates, one of my favorite past times is stopping and reading headstones. I love how the grave yard in front of the church just flows into the town. Notice no fence. But it is one of the happiest feeling grave yards I've ever been in.

The red door is that of the Vicarage. This side of the church yard has a fence.
The back yard, or garden if you prefer.
The entrance to the church and obviously a important person's grave because they have a fence around it.
So after I bought my flowers I headed back down the high street. I stopped into a coffee shop for an Americano which while walking the top popped off and scalded my hand. In the heat of incident and amid the burn I managed to salvage most of the coffee to be sipped at a later moment when it had cooled. My hand was quite sore for the rest of the walk but I didn't let that stop me from enjoying my day. I then popped into Tesco for some supper supplies. I finished the walk home feeling like I was in a movie, with my flowers in one hand, a sack of groceries in the other with a fresh baguette sticking out like if you were coming home from the market in NYC or Europe somewhere. The sun was shining and although my scalded hand was protesting to holding anything, it was an absolutely glorious afternoon. When I came home I got ambitious and decided to make myself a cup of coffee, because the scalding incident didn't provide enough coffee to reach the required daily coffee intake. Now the Talmages don't have a coffee maker of any kind and I didn't even have grinds I had whole beans. So I ground them as well as I could with a mortar and pestle and then did a French press as it were and strained off the grinds using a very makeshift straining system using a cup and a paper towel. It didn't turn out half bad. I ended up scalding my previously burned hand again but it was worth it. (Don't worry Other Mum, I did bring Arbonne Hand Cream so its all better now ;-)
I do believe Holy Spirit has been with me the past couple days because I've been cooking. Not only have I been cooking I've been making food that I was surprised was so good. Some people came over for small group (they call it life group but it was really a small group as only three people came). It was a good discussion followed by a time of prayer and worship. God confirmed some things He showed me on Sunday which is really exciting and kind of scary, but the scarier the better. Killington ski area's motto used to be "if you aren't scared you aren't skiing." I like to say "if you aren't scared what's the point?" Where's the fun and adventure? I really enjoy my walk with God because it is challenging. Without challenges there isn't any growth and I'm a huge fan of growth.
On that note I need to head to bed so my cells can grow in the four hours I have before I need to get up and get going for tomorrow.

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