Saturday, June 15, 2013

Picnic Outside

Today was picnic day. I'm told its typical Slovenian to get together at a park on a Saturday and just cook food and eat and hang out and play for most of the day. So today was just that. Everyone cut up vegetables for a goulash.  It smelled wonderful but I couldn't eat it because it had tomatoes and potatoes. I ate what they call "French salad" which tasted a lot like a pasta salad Aunt Debby makes, with out the pasta. It had carrots and peas and pickles and mayonnaise. I think it had something else but I don't remember. It was very good. And for dessert Janja made some sort of berry/nutty uncooked/chilled cake. I'm not sure how to describe it. Someone also brought tiramisu which of course is always a favorite. It was funny as I went to cut it I was gingerly trying to get to the bottom and the girl who made it takes the spatula from me and says "tiramisu knows when you are scared, it can sense the fear, just go for it" and pushes right to the bottom and starts cutting it up. It was funny.

I didn't feel very well this morning and expected it to pass but by this afternoon I was feeling worse and I had a sore head. So when we came home I took a nap and when it came time to go dancing I still wasn't up to it so Janja and Gregor went out. After drinking massive amounts of water I was feeling a little better and had some really good prayer and intercession time (with Misty Edwards on the IHOP website) with Slovenja being the topic of intercession. It was refreshing and now I'm looking forward to a few hours of peaceful rest.

FYI: In Slovenja people don't wear shoes or socked feet in the house. They wear slippers. School children don't wear shoes or socked feet either each child is required to have their own pair for school. So when you go to a house you see an array of slippers in different sizes and colors and are expected to leave your shoes there and put on slippers. And all the ones I've seen are the same kind of slipper. They are just a simple slide.
Yes those are my feet. ;-) This morning I forgot to put them on, Janja didn't hear me coming and I startled her. Maybe that's why everyone wears them.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you feel better...I wonder if you are still recovering from the Lymphatic massage. Too bad that you didn't get to go dancing. It seems that Sat is a real party day in will be interesting to find out what they do on Sundays!
