Sunday, June 2, 2013

London on a Sunday

I set my alarm this morning so I could get up in plenty of time to get ready for church. I started laying out my clothes and puttering around and next thing I knew I had 20 minutes to do my hair and eat breakfast. I'm not sure what happened to the time this morning but I did get up early. Following breakfast we walked the three blocks to church. It was nice. I met a bunch of Americans there actually. Then we came home, ate some fruit and went out shopping. We saw a lot of stuff at Peter Lewis then went to Harrods and ate a sandwich at Paul's. Over lunch Liz and I talked about all things Holy Spirit and then prayed. It was refreshing. We then went to Hyde Park and saw a bunch of stuff in the park. It was just a nice afternoon of walking all over London. On the way home we were talking so much and having fun we got on the wrong train in the Underground. We had a good laugh after that. For supper I ended up having the best ravioli I've ever had to date at an Italian restaurant in London. It was quite delightful. This evening we had coffee at home with Marks and Spencer's cookies. Now its off to bed at almost a decent hour for me. Tomorrow is going to be exciting. I can feel it.

I ended up reading something that totally described my life so I thought I'd share it here:
Surely You must love your child. For my cup was empty and You gave me living water. My food was death and You have me The Bread Of Life. Darkness surrounded me but Your light has shattered that which kept me bound. I will praise The Lord for His amazing love and His mercies comfort me day and night. Though the wolf sought me at night Your love was the shield he could not penetrate. Though my life was sought to be destroyed You have saved me for such a time as this, to spread the good news to the nations. Continually will I sing of Your splendors. In the mornings light, at mid day, in the evenings approach and in the resting of my head will Your praise be on my lips. ~Andrea Sparks

 There is an actual Tardis in Earl's Court for all you British Sci Fi lovers.

This is Harrods. It was alright but super expensive and the perfumery room is enough to make you choke. A floor I would suggest avoiding altogether. I'm not sure how you know which scent you are smelling on your wrist in that room cause the stench could be smelled well outside the door and it made it hard for me to breath...but a sight to see nonetheless.

FYI: The British accent accounts for only 50% of the accents I've heard on the streets in London.

1 comment:

  1. Still waiting for that periwinkle cab photo...

    That quote by Andrea Sparks is perfect, and wonderful. :-) Sounds like you're experiencing a lot of refreshing! :-D

    I'm definitely jealous that you saw the TARDIS! If I remember correctly, they've placed them around because this year is the 50th anniversary of the show, so it's not something you see every day. Did you go inside? Wish I had been there for that!
