Monday, June 24, 2013


The last few days have been glorious. Nothing outstanding really happened apart from being with some incredible people. On Friday I got up and bid Marjorie adieu as she had to leave in the morning. I took my time and showered and packed up and then headed to the train. Got onto a coach at victoria and started the 4 hour bus trip to Taunton. It wasn't bad but it was tiring. My seat mate was an elderly woman who was a christian counselor with a charity. We had a lovely chat. I was picked up at the bus stop by Luketon Abi. We went for dinner at a Chinese buffet. We then went home and just visited. We went to bed around midnight which was really good for us.

On Saturday Luke had to leave early but Abi and I stayed in bed until late. Around noon I made her a cup of Starbucks Tribute Blend and I brought it to her in bed. She was in heaven. Then we sat on the bed and talked for about two hours. It was a great start to a Saturday. Then we went with Luke and a friend to the movies, oh, sorry, the "cinima to see a movie." We watched Man of Steel. It was alright. The actor who played superman was actually British but pulled off an American accent quite convincingly and he and I are the same age, practically. We went home and had some supper and then watched some Downton Abbey. We then went to bed around midnight but I later found out that Abi stayed up for a few hours working on her blog. I was up for a few hours after that because I ended up skype with my sister and my niece and nephew.

Sunday morning we got up and Abi and I once again ended up chatting instead of getting ready for church so we were a few minutes later than we originally wanted to be. Church was good and I once again was overwhelmed with the goodness of God and how blessed I am. Today is the half way point of my trip and it has been amazing. After church Lucy, Abi and myself went to Taunton to try and find a dress for Abi. Unsuccessful we went to Starbucks where we played on our computers, chatted, laughed and drank way too much coffee. In the evening we ended up watching Downton Abbey. Round about midnight people went to bed and I couldn't sleep so I ended up praying for a couple hours and skyping with my family who also prayed with me from across the pond. At approximately 0300 hours I felt sleepy so I went to bed and slept straight through until 0500 hours. I did go back to sleep and slept fitfully.

I got up at 10 this morning and started my day. It was a delightful day of just puttering. I didn't do anything spectacular and it was fantastic. I did some laundry, some ironing (I still maintain that ironing is not of God. It is an intrument of tediousness introduced by the devil. I don't know why culture has adopted a wrinkelfree shirt as buiness work attire) some dishes, walked to the market to get some supplies for dinner and then I cooked dinner. I'm not really a fan of cooking and wouldn't pick it as my top ten past times but today I really enjoyed cooking for people who have been such a blessing to me. Luke and Abi came home from work and we ate stirfry. It is probably the best stirfry I've ever made. You can probably guess what we did next. We watched Downton Abbey. This time we watched the last episode of season 3 which they had never seen before so it was...well...sad since now we have to wait for season 4 to come out. Lucy came over and we ended up giggling and chatting and watching funny youtube videos until a few minutes ago. Now things have settled down and I'm contemplating staying up to watch game 6 of the Stanly Cup Finals or go to bed and watch the highlights tomorrow.

 This is a picture from my walk to the market. The sign in the corner is advertising a "car boot sale." A car boot is a car trunk so....I guess it's like a tailgate party except they probably don't have food and they want you to buy their junk...just spit-balling here.
This is a picture of the neighborhood I'm staying in right now. It's so cute and so quaint and so English it's adorable. I'm so spoiled.

FYI: The only place I've used a clothes dryer in the past 4 weeks was at Liz's. Most people in this part of the world don't see a need for one. The air dry clothes too....eventually.


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