Monday, June 17, 2013

Sight Seeing continued

Me at the top of the stairs

Another view from the island


It's hard to capture how green the lake really is in a picture but this photo gives you a glimpse of it.
My seafaring friends. Janja in front, Gregor at the oars and Mojca in the bow. You can see the island tower in the background just to the left of Gregor.
Then came super time. Everyone had pizza and I had a traditional dish. I don't know what it's called but it was very good. It's some sort of pastry with curd and cream or so said the menu description.
After super we took a drive into the mountains. Well it was more than just the mountains. As we were driving and the mountains got bigger and grander and more magnificent it dawned on me and I asked "wait, are these the Alps?" and Janja says so nonchalantly "of course." As though this is an every day occurrence. I love my white mountains in New England and when we drove through the Rockies some years ago it was indeed amazing but this was different and the sight that strikes awe and wonder in someone. All I could say was "oh, wow!" and half the time I couldn't say that because it was so awesome.
 This one I took from the car window in the valley. It is amazing. Oh look, hay rows, and they pick it up by hand.
I took this on the drive up the mountain. We passed a bus coming down as we were going up and we ended up behind it on the way down as it was very slow for him to make the hairpin turns. Also the smell of clutch or breaks was the aroma on the way down as parts of the road were very steep.
These are known as the Julian Alps in Slovenia. We also drove through Triglav National Park. Triglav (pronounced tree-glow) is the highest point in this part of the alps at 9,396 feet.
This is where I want to build my house. I could get used to waking up to this every day.
Then we came home, and watched Slovenia has talent the finals. It was interesting. Slovenia has some interesting talents. Like a kid who flies a radio controlled airplane like it is dancing and some good singers and dance groups. I took a shower and was hoping to get to bed early. Which for me was midnight instead of 2 a.m. But before I could get to bed Gregor roped me into watching how a combination lock works on youtube. It was interesting. I learned that I could possibly foil a combination lock made by Master.  It was a full tiring day. I am so blessed.
Being in the Alps today was a dream come true.

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