Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Adventure Begins -- For Realz

About 8 months ago I felt God calling me back to the Irish people while I was on a week long missions trip there. I prayed about it and it became settled in my spirit. I then prayed for the next six months about where He wanted me to go, what message He wanted me to bring to His people and when I should go. The only answer I got solidified was the time frame. I was to go for two months after my winter job as a ski patroller concluded. The job concluded and I was praying about funds and accommodations and direction. I just kept hearing "trust me." Hard for a planner to live without a plan but the past month I've gotten better at trusting for provision. I was waiting and praying and as time grew closer to the dates I felt I was supposed to leave flight prices continued to climb. For someone who currently is short on funds it's hard to watch something you need increase in price. But as time grew closer and nothing seemed to be working out I continued to trust. There were moments of anxiousness but the peace I also had and knowing deep down in my spirit that God was in control was incredible. Then my tax return came in for almost the exact amount of the flight I wanted with $4 to spare. I booked my flight. I still didn't have anything else sorted but I knew I had a flight and I was going.
A friend of mine took an offering for me at church and it gave me something with which to start the trip. He also put out an email to his European church contacts. He, as of yet, still hasn't heard anything but I'm trusting that where God wants me He'll make a way.
Two weeks before my departure date I was stressing once again about not having a plan and I felt a new level of peace and God say that He has places for me to go but I needed to have flexibility and availability in order to do these things He had in mind. So without a plan, and without any security except the faith that God will provide I'm heading off to parts unknown (to me at least) and trusting Him every day for the next step. Upon my arrival I have sleeping accommodations with friends for the first week (which is going to be a great start to the trip) but after that I'm pretty much along for the adventure.

At this moment I'm in Philadelphia at the airport on a 4 hour layover waiting to catch my flight to Dublin. Already on this trip I had an opportunity to share God's love with a woman who was on my flight from Boston. It was kind of incredible how that happened. It turns out she just left a less than savory "church" and is really leery of people professing God's love. I told her I was planning on seeing physical manifestation of miracles during my travels and she exclaimed "really? Can anyone do that? What have I been missing?" I know it was a divine encounter and its just the beginning.

FYI: It isn't always sunny in Philadelphia (as the TV show title leads one to believe) and its hard to find a power plug for your computer.

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