Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Day of Firsts

Today I took my first ferry.
       It was grand. The railings were all brass and it was kind of fancy with plenty of room and different places to go. It felt a bit like I was on the Titanic at first because I've never been on a big boat before. My favorite place to be was up on deck watching the water go by.

Today I saw "The Hobbit" for the first time.
     I've been wanting to see it for a while and it was showing on the ferry. I was up on deck but it started to drizzle so I decided to go in and watch it. After it concluded the rain had stopped and I went back up on deck and breathed in the salt air and the Welsh wind.

Today I saw Wales for the first time. (No Welsh stamp in my passport. Rather disappointing.)
     But it is a beautiful country from what I saw. I took the train from the ferry to England it was beautiful.

Today I saw England for the first time!!!!!!!!
     I have been wanting to see England ever since I can remember. Today I have seen it. Currently in Somerset and it's beautiful, welcoming, and wonderful. Maybe I'm just bias because my hosts are absolutely super-fantastic. I'm still having trouble believing I'm here and that I have work to do because right now I'm just surfing the whirlwind of adventure with which God has seen fit to surround me. I'm wondering if I will wake up tomorrow and be in my own bed back home in New Hampshire with the sun shining in my window telling me it's time to get up because it is 10 a.m. and I just had the most glorious dream. I do hope not.

Today on the ferry as the boat was listing one of the swivel chairs just kept going around on it's own because the boat was rocking at the right rhythm to keep it going. It was rather amusing. The fun part about today was that while waiting for the first of my three trains today I met a couple from Ohio. They were from a town that I'm familiar with. We spent about 4 hours in each others' company as they were waiting for the same train. They are believers and it was just a nice encouraging day. They are retired and also on an adventure in Europe. We commiserated about things we found different about Ireland, the UK and Europe, the things we loved that the USA doesn't do, and how we sometimes still feel like we have to fix everything which is futile and rather silly considering that is God's job and we fail miserably when we try to do His job.

My day concluded with being picked up by my hosts, enjoying a lovely meal of fish and onion rings (Luke had faggots which is a surprisingly good dish in spite of its name) at a Pub and finished the day off with episodes of Downton Abbey and 'Cornish ice cream.' I'm still not sure what makes it Cornish but it's delightful.

I can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow.

FYI: When leaving the train station take one last glance back to where you were sitting. You might have been distracted when gathering your luggage and forgotten your travel mug. If that is the only accidental casualty of this adventure I will be okay with that.


  1. :-) did you take the ferry to Holyhead or to liverpool? happy to see that you are enjoying your trip.

  2. Yay! You made it to England! You've seen three countries in less than a week! Glad to hear you made it safe and sound and that you're only casualty is the loss of your travel mug. :-)
