Thursday, May 30, 2013

Good Day

Today was amazing. It was hard getting out of bed because I stayed up way too late blogging. But once we hit the road (30 minutes later than we were meant to) it was a grand time. I feel like I didn't do anything today because it was such a lazy fun day. No stress, no demands. Just me, some flippin' fantastic friends, some beautiful sights and some proper tea.
The architecture I saw today definitely made a statement but it was today's fellowship that I loved the most. I feel super spoiled. When we returned home from our outing in Bath we had some time of prayer and it was really refreshing. Best part of the day! Then we ate Chinese. That is to say we ate Chinese food, without chopsticks sadly. (I will forgive you some day Luke.) And chased dinner with 'Cornish ice cream' and another round of Downton Abbey. It never goes out of style. Now its off to bed again way too late.

The whole day was amazingly amazing. I feel so blessed to have been able to make this a stop on my adventure.

Ok so it is two views of the same thing. I liked them both and couldn't decide. This was taken in Bath, UK
FYI: Watch out for the silent dive-bombing birds of Bath. I sustained a hit today from the rear end of a pigeon and didn't even know it until well after the fact. Thank God for washing machines. 

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