Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chillin' part 2

So today I did even less than yesterday. It was nice. I slept in again until about noon. I got up, had a wonderful breakfast made for me. I made the coffee. Then we went out to look at some horses, bought a postcard and stayed in with the fire. I watched some Irish medical show, had "high tea" with my host and just did nothing. Well, not nothing, we drank more tea and ate biscuits and made supper. Then more tea and now I'm going to bed because I have a 10 hour travel day tomorrow and I need some rest. Cheers!
High Tea this afternoon
FYI: Doing nothing is harder than it looks :-D


  1. We have a fireplace and a dog too, so I can't wait to be doing nothing with you soon. :)
