Friday, May 24, 2013


I'm all packed...finally....I think. My check luggage is weighing in at 49.5 lbs. I'm so proud of me. My laptop bag and carry-on are bursting at the seems however. I am trying to pack light and I would have offloaded some from my hand luggage had there still not been a lot of room in my checked piece. Once I get off the plane and arrive at my first stop I will be offloading some of it there and transferring things around so I'm still technically packing light since the things I actually brought for me account for half of my luggage.

I'm kind of nervous but I have peace about this so its all good. I never thought that one could be nervous and peaceful at the same time. Once you have the deep down peace one only finds in the Creator it doesn't much matter what else happens. 

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