Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Next Week

In six days at this time I'll be leaving Boston, driving north with my baby sister who will have landed only a couple hours earlier from South Carolina. I'm really excited to see her. I'm excited to go home, but not as much as I thought I would be after two months. I'm also sad to leave, but not as sad as I thought I would be given how I felt the last two times I left. I feel pleasantly neutral almost. I'm really happy to be right where I am at the moment and I think when I get on the plane and head home I'll be happy to be there as well. I am a planner but I'm getting good at just enjoying the moment and not wishing to be somewhere else because all too soon I will be somewhere else wishing I hadn't wished away the time I had here when I had it.

This door has nothing to do with anything. People love the pictures so I figured I couldn't post a new entry without a picture. I did find it interesting though because they left the door natural. It is the first natural door I've ever seen in Ireland. Doors are usually painted bright greens or blues or reds or yellows. They love bright colours for their houses and if you can't paint your house because it is brick you paint the door a bright colour. So in leaving the door natural they made up for it by painting the door posts blue. I like it. If I lived in Ireland I would want to do this to my door because I love the natural grain of wood but would want to keep with the traditional colour on the doors.