Thursday, July 4, 2013

Change In Plans

I do so love how God makes the web that is our lives. The best laid plans of mice and men can be thwarted by something seemingly insignificant resulting in a world changed. Now recent events probably wont have any type of a significant effect in the near future but I feel it will have lasting effects in the years to come.
As stated before, I came on this trip without much of a plan which is annoying for me being a planner. And I have been shown that God has a plan for my life. One to give me a hope and a future and not to harm me.  In all this God is continuing to show me that He has a plan whether I've laid out steps or not and He is in control and will guide me to where I'm supposed to be.

Before I embarked on my mission across the pond I had connected with a friend from France now living in Massachusetts. She said that she was going to be in Wales and driving to France at the time I was over here and we were going to meet up and I was going to go with her to her home in France. I liked this plan. It was really the only part of this trip that I had loosely planned and could count on. I was excited to see my friend, hang with her kids and experience all that is good in France. In the interest of time I'll give you the short, short version. She had emailed me a couple days before we were to meet up and told me her plans to drive to France had been foiled and due to several issues I could not join her on her trek to Paris and beyond. I was bummed that I wouldn't be able to spend time with my friends but the theme of this trip has been go with the flow. So we planned to meet up for a couple days in Holyhead, Wales, before she left.
Since I now had some free time I took the opportunity to contact a friend of my brother-in-law, Joel, since he was hounding me to make contact with his friend in Scotland. I emailed Alex and he said he was now in Wales building a summer camp and I was welcome to come see the camp and help if I wanted. I thought, since I was in the neighborhood, it would be fun and I would meet up with Alex if only to get Joel to leave me alone. I made arrangements to get to Welshpool, Wales, and Alex was very accommodating with picking me up from the train station. The thought crossed my mind that going to see this camp seemed way too easy. Everything just worked out too perfectly. So I arrived at the train and Alex comes to pick me up. After about 10 seconds it felt as if I'd known Alex my whole life. I arrived at camp, said hi to whoever was in the immediate vicinity and started in on the work.
Our immediate task was to build a huge marques. Now let me take a moment to interject here that a marques across the pond is a big white tent. But instead of having different types of tents they have  names for different types of tents, a marques being one of them. I tried to make sense of it and heard one explanation being that a marques was the name for a specific shape of tent and it is always white. The work was anything but easy and I used muscles I haven't used in far too long. But we worked as a team and round about 2000 hours we called it a day having put on a roof and sides and a floor to the frame of a giant marques.
Here I am putting on a side. The view in the background is incredible.

This was the really big marques. 

We went to a restaurant for supper, wearing all our dirt from the days work and headed to the prayer house where we were staying. It was a big house with a bunch of bunk beds in the rooms. I had the room to myself because I was the only girl there. I fell into bed very sore, very tired and feeling anticipation for what God had in store for me here.

FYI: Don't argue with the Welsh about what a real marques is.

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