Saturday, July 6, 2013


The second day I was at camp was a Sunday morning so we got up around 0830 and had breakfast. Bill, the guy in charge, had a devotion for all of us and then we hit the ground running. It was again an equally hard work day. We had to unload a container only to find a family of mice had been making a mansion all winter long. It was pretty disgusting and all the dust and mold effected my breathing resulting in not feeling well for most of the day. Given that everything was violated I had to sort through and see what was keepable and what was going to be binned (bin is the word they use for trash can). Everything that was kept needed to be bleached. It was hard work and at the end of the day it didn't look like I had done much because everything was either cleaned or thrown out but when I looked back and saw that I had dealt with 75% of metal freight container I realized that it was indeed a full days work. I can't say I felt super spiritual dealing with mouse left-behinds and struggling to breath with a sore throat from coughing but I knew that I was supposed to be here and that was a big deal.

From left Alex the Lion, me, Steve, who doesn't always
 look like that and Will, who always looks like that.

In this photo I have David on one said and David on the other. The right David goes by Dai (pronounced Di) which means Little David in Welsh.

I was pretty much spent come 5 p.m. but we kept on working until around 2100 when a car of new recruites showed up with stew. We went back to the prayer house and had the stew. Well they did, I couldn't eat it cause it had potatoes so ate some bread and cheese. Of the four people who showed up one was a girl named Ebba. She roomed with me that night and we found out that we had a ton of stuff in common. Even our love for an audio drama called Adventures In Odyessey so we talked until late and then listened to an episode of Odyessey.

During one of our water breaks a game of "no hands" broke out. That's what happens when a bunch of teenagers and people in their 20s who think they are teenagers are over tired and take a break.

 Seen here from left Josiah, David and Callum.

Ebbi and Joel have a go.  

But the winner is Alex the Lion!

The next day we had the task of building 10 marquees. It took a while to figure out just how they were supposed to go up. The top had already been constructed and the roof canvas was on most of them. After the first one we became faster at putting them up and round about the 5th one we ended up completeing a whole one in about an hour. We only made it to five because by that time in the day we had already had lunch and we were pretty much burned out on constructing marquees. So we turned out attention to other things and called it a day around 8 p.m. We headed back to the prayer house where Alex was making pizzas. He made me one with pesto sauce instead of tomato and it was fab. Ebbi and I listened to another Odyessey after we again talked for too long.

This everning I checked my email and got an email from my friend Lea saying that she had a car in France now and I could come over whenever. It was at this point that I realized that I wasn't supposed to go to France I was supposed to come to this camp and help them build, to meet new people and make new connections. Ebbi said before we drifted off "I'm so excited to see what God has for us together in the future and where we'll end up together."


FYI: Stinging Nettles are everywhere in the country side of Wales. Take care when you have to "go" in the woods or else sitting down for the rest of the day may not be a pleasent prospect.


  1. What kind of group enjoyed all your work preparing the camp??

    Is Ebbi from Wales?

  2. Yes Ebbi is from Wales. It is camp area that is used by different church organizations.

  3. So you forgot Dyllon's helpful advice about peepees on the flowers and not on nettles?

  4. There weren't any flowers, just nettles, well unless you count thistles and not being a boy I figured I'd keep my distance from those flowers. lol
