Sunday, May 3, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXX: Home

Since I live in the north, a stone's throw from Canada, we have the woodstove burning three out of 4 seasons and I don't hate it. We've even been known to light a fire in the summer if it got too cold in the evening. There is just something so warm and comforting about having a good fire going. Nothing beats a cup of tea curled up next to the fire on a rainy day no matter what the season is. 

There is something so relaxing about seeing sparkling fresh snow out the window and snuggling up inside with the fire going. 

 It is half way through Spring right now and we still have the fire going. Living in the north has its pros and cons but running the woodstove 9 months out of the year doesn't feel like a con to me. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXVIII: In My Bag

This is legitimately only part of what is in one of my bags.
The joke in my family is that if you are ever stranded with Bekah and her bags
 you'll have provisions for at least a month.

Lets see if you can eye spy what's in here:

Hand Lotion
Energy Powder Packets
Weather Proof Notepad
Back Scratcher
Power Bank

I know this is a departure from my typically picturesque photos but I've been wanting to stylize one of my photos and this was a good one for that. 

Thursday, April 30, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXVII: Black and White

These oil lamps actually look better in black in white because so many different colored oils have been mixed in them that they don't look very pleasing.

The interesting thing about this photo is that this snow goose is actually just black and white. It is in what is called blue phase but when you put it in grey scale you feel like you're missing a colorful display.

This photo is recycled from my pattern post but it looked so good in grey scale that I couldn't resist using it again for this post.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXVI: Something I Want

Of course this is something I want. Doesn't everyone? 
I only posted one photo for this because I didn't want to tempt 
too many people off their diet. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXV: Celebration

This was a tricky topic to capture these days since all celebrations have been cancelled. I personally have tiny celebrations for one on a daily basis. Taking a few moments every day to celebrate the little things in life keeps me sane. It's probably easier for me to celebrate tiny victories since this time two years ago I was in constant pain and could barely get out of bed or walk up a flight of stairs, let alone have the energy and inspiration to take over 30 photos in the span of a month and put them into an organized blog. It's easier to be grateful for what you have when you haven't always had it. 

This is a superb sparkling apple juice that makes me feel fancy and special.
 Definitely worth the cost to sit, sip and celebrate the amazing life I have.

Monday, April 27, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXIV: Patterns

So many patterns! These photos were a lot of fun. I thought it was going to be hard to find patterns in my house as none of us are really big pattern people but once I started looking I found all these. Enjoy!

These monochromatic delights are my mother's scarves and hat.
 I think she likes black and white. 

This is the Nova Scotia Tartan. The plaid of my people.

This amazingly scratchy rugged wool blanket we got from my Meme.

Well hello there Southwestern Flare throw blanket.
 This is one of my favorite throws because it is the best feeling material. 
It's thick and soft. It's hard to describe just how comforting it is.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXIII: Something Blue

Once again I'm highlighting my work life. 
Does anyone know what objects are in these photos?

Friday, April 24, 2020

30 Photo Journey XXI: Silhouette

At first glance it might look like a real horse. It is in fact Stormageddon's stunt double. I had tried to get her for the shoot but her agent said she was unavailable due to concerns about traveling right now. I'm very pleased with the results I got from her stunt double and will be recommending her for a raise. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

30 Photo Journey XX: Sunrise

Being at the mercy of nature for a decent sunrise I was tickled to snap this one morning just before running out the door to work. I was a bit miffed that a bird came a by and spoiled my photo until I took a second look. I think the bird added something to it since we were lacking some clouds for character that morning. 

A good sunrise is hard to come by but I managed to get another one.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

30 Photo Journey XIX: Faceless Self Portrait

Since you can't see my beautiful face I gave you lots of color to see.

So I'm curious as to how one is expected to take a faceless self portrait. Isn't a portrait by definition of one's face? I may have cheated here since you can still see my eyes but they are my best feature so here's my version of a faceless self portrait.

The beautiful colors you see here were curtesy of someone very special many years ago. Every time I see these colors it takes me back to some of my favorite memories. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

30 Photo Journey XVII: Changes To Come

Ah, Spring on the mountain. Where its just wet and muddy for a month as the snow melts making rivulets everywhere and crocuses and daffodils don't emerge until a month or two after the rest of the world.

You know Spring is in the wings when the Robins return. (Pun intended) These poor birds were all set for warm weather but it keeps snowing. They seem to be finding enough worms and grubs today amid the snow on the ground and you can't see it in the photo but it was actually flurrying when I took this picture.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

30 Photo Journey XVI: Animals

This is my pony Stormageddon. She loves the camera, she'd love it more if she could eat it. 
A girl after my own heart.

Since Animals are so unpredictable and uncooperative I will admit to cheating a little bit and reusing two photos I took of Trigger last year. These photos were rather wonderful and since I just spent an hour trying to get a photo of Trigger doing ANYTHING other than hiding under the desk, I feel okay about reusing these photos I managed to get on a day he was being slightly more cooperative.

This is Triggers typical pose. I pulled out my camera and this is what 
he did for the next hour. 

                           Our station dog.

He's really not very adventurous. He mostly sits around looking pretty.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

30 Photo Journey XV: Clouds

I love clouds. I could watch them all day long.

A day without clouds always makes me sad. 
Thankfully this wasn't one of those days.

I also love a little color in my clouds.

Friday, April 17, 2020

30 Photo Journey XIV: Childhood Memory

The title should say childhood memories. I spent countless summer days playing on this rock and sweet birch tree. Its a wonder this tree is still alive after all the things my brother and I hammered into it and cut off it, poor thing. Some days we would slice off bits of bark and suck on the sap and imagine it was our only sustenance after a harrowing journey across the seven seas. My brother and I imagined all kinds of things while playing on this rock. We had pirate fights and hid out from bandits and just about every kind of adventure a young mind could have with a tire swing and a rock with a tree growing out of it. My heart aches for the next generation who sadly seem to have lost the wonder of imagination and the incredible gift of creating wild and wonderful memories from the simplest of things. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

30 Photo Journey XIII: Inspiration

I couldn't imagine anything more inspirational than the Holy Bible. 
(And a cup of tea)

This was just for fun.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

30 Photo Journey XII: What I Wore

This is my Job Shirt (which is a big heavy sweatshirt) and my polo shirt. I live in these articles of clothing 24 hours at a time. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

30 Photo Journey IX: After Dark

Since today is Easter what is more appropriate than a cross shining in the darkness? 
Let us shine the light in these dark times.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Friday, April 10, 2020

30 Photo Journey VII: Obsession

I had to think long and hard about something I was obsessed about. Even using the definition loosely I couldn't think of anything. But I do love water and I do love the peace and comfort and direction I find in the Bible so here's a twofer for you.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

30 Photo Journey VI: My Hobby

It's a lot of fun to find creative and fun stationary.

My biggest hobby is letter writing. It is a dying art these days. I was texting with my sister-in-law and asked if she had received my letter. She send a sad emoji and said that she needed to check the mailbox more often. As the conversation progressed she said "I've always felt bad about not communicating more." I responded by telling her that while she's home and having hours of boredom with all the quarantine orders she should just sit down and do it and then she won't have to feel badly any more she can feel good about herself.
I love letter writing because not only do I know it makes someone else smile when they get the mail and find that they have something other than a bill waiting for them, it also makes me feel good. It has been a good therapy for me over the years especially when I was sick. On the days I had a modicum of energy it always made me feel better to send a letter, even if it was just a note saying "I'm still alive."

I love bright and colorful stationary since
I write so many letters in a week. It keeps
it interesting and its more fun than just plain
white paper and envelopes every time.
One excuse I hear a lot is "I don't have time." Well in all this staying at home the past month, what's your excuse now? We make time to eat. We make time to exercise. We make time to watch our favorite shows. Make a few minutes to write someone a letter. You will feel better and right now we need all the feeling better vibes we can muster, plus you make someone else's day too. I also hear a lot of people say things like I wouldn't know what to say or my handwriting is terrible. I can't say I've ever heard someone say "I wish I didn't get this letter from Jane, she never has anything to say and her handwriting is terrible."

 You can always make excuses for why you can't write a letter and if that's how you choose to live then that's your choice but I promise you that if you take a few minutes to write a note and let someone know that you care about them it will make you and them feel better. Isn't that what times
like these are all about?

Stamps are little pieces of art these days and
add another level of fun to sending letters.

Special Shout Out to all my faithful letter writing friends and family who always brighten my day. You were the only bright spots in the last 5 years. Thank You!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

30 Photo Journey V: Cannot Live Without

When I was sick I couldn't drink coffee. Now that I am able to drink it again I thoroughly enjoy every cup like it's my last. Could I actually live without coffee? Yes. But it is just a daily reminder of how utterly blessed I am to be alive and I think everyone needs to be reminded of that daily. I never want to lose the wonder and magic of what a cup of coffee brings me every day. 
What is your thing that reminds you every day of how blessed you are? 
If you don’t have something you should consider finding something and every day take a minute to reflect and be grateful for what you have been given. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

30 Photo Jouney III: Eyes

These are the eyes of my beloved long-suffering parents who ever so obligingly let me take there eye photos. You can see from where I get my natural eye beauty. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

30 Photo Journey II: Up Close

Happy Palm Sunday to All! It seems strange staying home from church today. 

I thought this was particularly poignant given what is going on with our country and around the world right now. Our country, unlike most, declares on it's currency that we still trust in God and it feels like everyone has forgotten that in this time of uncertainty and fear. I am so glad that I have a personal relationship with God. If you have never experienced the security and peace that comes from a complete trust in God I highly recommed that you give it a try.