Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Drive of a Lifetime: A picture speaks a thousand words.

Today we had a hard time saying goodbye to our hosts the Fowler's in Colorado Springs but after breakfast we had to hit the road. We had a lovely day on the road with wonderful scenery. I could tell you every little thing that happened but a picture speaks a thousand words so I'll let the pictures do the speaking.

I think the biggest thing that happened today was we drove over the continental divide and we were going to ride the tram to the top of Monarch Crest but it was closed for the season. Other than that we mostly just listened to Adventures In Odyessey when we had mobile coverage and drove through the beautiful Rockies enjoying each other's company.

Pictures are never as beautiful as in real life but this will give you a bit of an idea of what our day was like. 

This lake was gorgeous. I want to plunk my house up there on the top of those rocks.

I love the yellow aspens 

Mountains never get old!

Even though I'm missing the fall colours at home in New England it is really
neat to be able to see fall colour in the Rockies.

Garden Of The God's in Colorado Springs

How is it a big rock and some scrub brush can be so beautiful?

I wish it was winter and I had my skis with me.

Our sunset tonight over the mountains.

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