Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I recently took a three day holiday. I didn't realize that my last real getaway was in July. Far too long ago. I know most Americans only get two weeks paid vacation while our European counterparts get a lot more vacations/holidays. I don't know the stats off the top of my head but its a remarkable difference between those here in the states and those "across the pond." It seems like every time I turn around my foreign friends are going on another holiday while my domestic friends have one winter vacation and one summer vacation. My beloved European friends may not always be taking a week long excursion but hey I'd take four days away in Italy or Spain every couple months. We here in the good old USA work too much. Taking a few days away on a regular basis does so much good for the soul. Even now after being back at work in the daily grind I am still randomly smiling when I think about a couple weekends ago when I was on holiday, care free and enjoying the lack of schedule. It does so much for a person emotionally to change things up and take a couple days off. 
So I'm going to post some of the photos from our ski weekend away to inspire you to start planning your next sanity saving weekend. 

A picture speaks a thousand words so I'll let my pictures do most of the talking for this blog post.

We were so blessed. My sister and I met up with a friend of ours at Sugarbush and we had two absolutely beautiful days of skiing filled with sun, great bumps and even better company.

The Apre Ski was pretty great too!

My first Fro-Yo experience. I can't believe I been missing out on this wonderfulness all these years.

Start planning and get away soon!

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