Monday, December 15, 2014

Inspiration Part II: what inspires me

Following my last blog entry someone suggested that I elaborate on what inspires me. I don't want this blog to be self centered (but it is my blog so who else would it be about?) but in the third part of the definition I said that people's own opinions and thoughts could be inspiring to another so I have to take my own advice and share thoughts on my personal inspiration.

I am including many photos and a video (which cannot be heard, my sincerest apologies. It was a beautiful sound so use your imaginations) so it wont be all that boring. Without further ado lets jump into the world of me.

It is now winter. Anytime past Halloween can be considered winter where I live. We've had some snow recently but this morning I was greeted by rain. 

I really despise rain in the winter. All it does is turn the once beautiful snow into ice. I really don't care for ice unless there are ice skates and hockey sticks involved. But as I took a photo with my phone to Snapchat my sister the "useless rain" I looked at the picture it took through the raindrops and smiled at how interesting it looked. I had to stop for a second and admire the beauty of the moment. I looked for more windows that had raindrops on them to see what else it would look like. Not earth shattering inspiration but I think inspiration is part of a lifestyle and mindset. If you aren't open for the possibility of useless things being beautiful you may miss a lot of joy in life.

Moving on.

Then as I walked out the door to head to the car in the rain I was met by the sound of wind chimes. I  had to embrace a few rain drops to take a moment to enjoy its allurement.

I love this sound. I've spent many a summer night with my window open listening to the wind and the chimes and sometimes the rain. This particular sound with the rain on the tin roof in the background makes me think of two people sitting on a porch out of the rain at possibly a lake house sipping big steaming mugs of coffee and visiting. This inspires me to write a store in which the a fore mentioned scene comes to life. I haven't started working on that yet as I'm writing this today.

This also inspires me because it was given to me by an artist who encouraged me to start sketching. I think it is beautiful and when I look at it I am reminded of Lisa Mistiuk. What an inspiring, bright, wonderful artist. Not only is she an amazing artist she is down to earth and all too happy to encourage someone else's art.

If you have a moment to muse over her other work it is definitely worth your time.

I also love this piece. It evokes different feelings but still those of inspiration. I think this speaks to me more because of my journey and not just because it is a beautiful piece of art.

I bought this is Wales but because it is a picture of the Tower Bridge in London, where I have also spent some time, [and it has sail boats, I absolutely adore sail boats] it reminds me of my journey through Europe and the UK (the time when this blog actually started).

This is the same picture but when I was photographing it with my phone I found that the light over head looked like a sun, or a moon and added a different look and I liked it.

This has nothing to do with the title of this blog entry. It scared me when I came out the door because at first glance I thought it was a pile of giant worms. I really don't like worms. And then after I caught my breath I realized it was just a rusty old chain. Then I laughed at myself and thought I'd share it.

So in conclusion I think inspiration can be found in many places.
Now the things that I have shared that inspired me today may not do it for you. And trust me there are many more things in my life that I find inspiring. I could go on here for days and days sharing all the things that move me. But I hope this blog entry has inspired you to maybe look at things a bit differently from time to time. And if you don't know what inspires you or you have a hard time feeling inspired give yourself a chance to explore who you are and what makes you tick.

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