Sunday, November 23, 2014


Inspiration! I think it is essential for life. Not merely in a physical sense but also in a spiritual and emotional sense. I think we are beings created for inspiration. I don't know about you but I feel truly alive when I'm being inspired. 

Inspiration, as defined by Merriam Webster, is: the act of drawing in; specifically: the drawing of air into the lungs. This of course means that if you don't have inspiration, you aren't breathing and therefore will die. Hence, inspiration is essential to your very existence.

This, however, isn't even the first definition of the word; it is listed as number two. Coincidence? I don't think so. The first definition listed contains three parts.

a :  a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation

b :  the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions

c :  the act of influencing or suggesting opinions 

When I first read part "a" I think I read it six times and just ruminated on it. Divine influence, and sacred revelation. If those words grouped together don't move you, that's okay. But they get to me. They speak to a place deep inside me that I'm not even sure I knew was there. I believe the fact that "a divine influence" is the first thing you read under the definition is because we were created to live inspired.
Part "b" of the definition speaks to the ability to share and communicate the "sacred revelation" with others. It is a power. You can move the intellect or emotions of others. Think back to a time you were moved either by a concept shared by another or by something you saw or felt created by another human being. The architecture of a building.  A beautifully crafted photo or painting.  A well-made film.  A different culture.  A piece of music.  A fabric with a different texture.  A poem or a story that moved a part of you or awakened a longing in you. For some of us, recalling this emotion will be easy as we are more emotionally wired and feel connections easily. For others this may be more difficult but I bet if you sift through the recesses of your mind you will recall a moment when you felt truly alive and dared to dream, even if it was only for a moment. If you've never had one of these moments, contact me and I'll take you on a roller coaster or we'll go to an art gallery or the philharmonic or hike to the top of a mountain.

I think part "c" really breaks it down into the every day. Suggesting an opinion could be a point of inspiration to someone. This isn't license to just start telling everyone "how it is" or "how you 'think' it is.”  This means that connecting with someone and sharing your view of life or events could speak to them. And why not? After all, you were created for a divine influence. It doesn't always have to be a booming voice from the heavens or an angel delivering a scroll to be something that is divinely inspiring.

For each person, finding the thing that makes you tick, that inspires you, will be different. But I want to encourage you to find something that inspires you. Even if it’s something small in everyday life like the leaves on the trees, a cup of coffee or the snow falling, and spend some time feeling inspired. If on a regular basis, you take a few moments to dwell on that inspiration you feel, when you believe anything is possible, it might just change your outlook and ultimately your course in life.

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